Minggu, 04 Februari 2018

Contoh Sederhana Penggunaan Who, Whom, dan Whose

Use difference with Who, Whom and Whose

1.  Who uses to subject.
Example :    The man (s) is really kind
                    He(s) lives next to me.
                    Who (s) lives next to me.
                    The man Who lives next to me is really kind
                    The boy who can sing a song is bagus.
                    The man who married me last year was died.

2. Whom uses to Object.
Example :    The girl is beautiful                                                                                       
                    I Meet her (o)
                                 Whom (o)
                    Whom (o) I met
                    The girl whom I met is beautiful.
                    The waitress whom we notice is anna
                    The president whom we should visit are Barack Obama and Jokowi.

3. Whose uses possessive
Example :    The man (s) called the police.
                    His (pos) car was stolen
                    The man whose car was stolen called the police
                    The girl whose hair is long swam in this pool.

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